The student will conduct research to identify a healthcare administrator positio

The student will conduct research to identify a healthcare administrator position currently
available. The position should be one in which the student will be qualified for in the next 2-3
years (upon completion of the current degree (Master’s) and required experience). Then, based on the Talent Quotient Analysis Assignment, interviews completed in the Field Activity: Interview
Analysis Assignment, and research conducted, the student will create a resume for the identified
healthcare administrator position. Be sure to review the Occupational Outlook Handbook (see
Resources section) to identify potential job growth, required KSAs, and so forth for this
The student will have a current healthcare administrator review the resume and provide
feedback. Submit a copy of the job descriiption, a summary of the professional feedback
provided, and a final draft of the resume.
Include the following in this order:
• Cover page
• Copy of the job descriiption
• Summary of professional feedback
• The final draft of the resume

Last Completed Projects

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