Write a paper on a religious question, and format it as if it were a live debate

Write a paper on a religious question, and format it as if it were a live debate in class.
Does a God exist?
Define exactly what you mean by the key terms: for example, what do you mean by God, by a soul, by enlightenment?
Taking the existence of God as an example, first, present arguments from the reason for the existence of God. Then respond with, as if it is a live debate, arguments from reason against the existence of God. Next, as in a real debate, each person would have a chance to rebut the other for a few minutes.
After that, present arguments for and against the existence of God from the standpoints of the other means of determining the truth in religion presented in this contents of the module: experience, empiricism, authority, sociological factors, and existential choice. (On the last, you will have to ask why anyone would choose to make an existential choice for or against belief in God.) Be sure to define each of these terms, tell what kind of evidence they bring to bear, and what its value and limitations are.
At the end, you may determine which side has presented the more sound and plausible arguments.
12 point type
Double spaced
Times New Roman font
Works Cited page with at least three scholarly sources.
Remember, all work is to be in MLA format.

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