Your paper should begin by updating us on highlights from your virtual child’s development since last time.
In the rest of the paper, please address the following topics (but be sure to incorporate at least THREE specific connections to course materials (with citations) related to the subject (s) you choose): Peers, Media, Problems, and/or Strengths
You may also include any other significant issues or events that have happened since the last time in your virtual child’s life that you feel have affected their development and any connections to course-related materials related to these issues that you observed thus far).
Finally, you should end your third paper by including a brief conclusion paragraph in which you describe what you learned from this experience. For this final reflection, please try to focus specifically on what you LEARNED and how the experience enhanced your understanding, and avoid commenting on aspects of the computer program itself (e.g., “It did not let me choose other options” or “I did not like the computer program.”)
Five years old- Aaliyah is now starting kindergarten and was recommended by the school counselor to be placed in a typical classroom. She is in line with her peers in terms of cognitive and language development. Aaliyah is now at the age where she repeats everything she hears, and while driving home one day, Aaliyah cussed. During this time, I learned that I have an authoritative parenting style.
Six years old- After a week of wiggling, it finally happened… Aaliyah lost her first tooth. Aaliyah is now about to start 1st grade and is in excellent health.
Seven years old- Found out Aaliyah needs glasses.
Eight years old- Aaliyah started to lose interest in things often.
Nine years old- After months of being asked about a pet I decided to get Aaliyah a pet goldfish.
Ten years old- Aaliyah is asking for a phone, and I decided to get her one and monitor her screen time.
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