“Using the attached Plato’s Allegory of The Cave” For your next paper, you will

“Using the attached Plato’s Allegory of The Cave”
For your next paper, you will be asked to craft a 4-5 page rhetorical analysis essay. Like your last essay, your analysis must be informed by logic/reason and to craft an argument that shows how your interpretation and understanding of the text is more legitimate than another idea. That is, do not simply try to write an essay that reiterates or summarizes your reading, but think of this as your opportunity to enter the conversation and state your own educated stance on the author’s craft and/or message.
Your goal is to persuade other readers to adopt a certain point of view on the text by using critical reading, sound reasoning, and solid evidence (including facts, statistics, examples, logic, and quoting experts). Remember, the structure of an argument is dependent on 2 things: the premises and conclusion of your topic issue. You must choose a topic that allows you to draw a conclusion and present logical premises (pieces of evidence) to support that conclusion.

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