Introduction (10 points) Student clearly introduced the exhibition, including th

Introduction (10 points)
Student clearly introduced the exhibition, including the name, place and dates
Student introduced basic background information, relevant context, and themes
First person “I” not used

Exhibition Review Section (30 points)
Student described the visual design of the exhibition including but not limited to: wall color, lighting, display of artworks, path of exhibition for visitors, wall text, printed materials, size and scale
Student avoided generic words like “interesting” or “good” and gave specific descriptions of the exhibition design
Student connected these design decisions to the themes of the show

Visual Analysis Section (30 points)
Student did a visual analysis of TWO artworks
Avoided generic words like “interesting” or “good” and gave specific descriptions
Connected these artworks to the larger meaning of the show
Connected these artworks to vocabulary, ideas, and historical periods learned in class

Evaluation of Exhibition (15 points)
Student gave their opinion of the exhibition and backed it up with specific examples
Student kept a formal tone, even when judging the exhibition

Grammar and Style (10 points)
Student wrote a 4-5 page paper in a 12 point font, double-spaced with normal margins
Paper organized in a logical way
Wrote clearly and formally
Did not use ‘I’ until the evaluation paragraph
If necessary, cited with footnotes, in Chicago Style and provided a bibliography

Images (5 points)
Images included and captioned
Student appropriately referred to images within the paper, using the artist’s first and last name, the title
Student located all of the images at the end of the paper, not throughout the paper
Student properly captioned the images located at the end of the paper with: Figure #, Artist or culture, Name of artwork, Date, Material

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