There are many different ways to disseminate research or EBP findings. You have

There are many different ways to disseminate research or EBP findings. You have written a literature review. For this assignment I want you to post an abbreivated abstract of your literature review (less than 150 words). The categories should include: AIM (research question or purpose); DESIGN (describe your search); RESULTS; (what were the most important/surprising findings).
This brief abstract will be the beginning of your post. After the abstract I want you identify some places to disseminate the findings. Posting them on a discussion board in class is disseminating the results. You may have different venues available to you to share the information- could be with educators at the hospital, students at UNCW, nurses at the bedside, and education journal, or a conference.
I want you to read all of the abstracts in the class. You must respond to three people- provide feedback or make suggestions on other places to disseminate.

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