Use your special interest division (APA City Planning & Management) as a guide to select three current issues writings that resonate with you. The writings should be from a newspaper, magazine, blog, website, or other form of popular journalism. For international students, they can be from your home country. (FLORIDA) These writings should span the 21st century so far with one from 2000-2009 (up to and including the Great Recession), one from 2010-2019 (prior to the COVID Pandemic), and one from 2020-2023. The writings should act as a history of your specialization within the 21st century, revealing how your issue has evolved over the past twenty-four years. Some great sources for these writings are: Urban Planning & Design sources, such as: Planetizen, Planning Magazine, City Lab, The Project for Public Spaces, Strong Towns, Urban Land Institute, Architecture Magazine, The Cultural Landscape Foundation, ProPublica, The Lincoln Institute, Urban Institute, etc. Non-profit and NGO sources: United Nations (Habitat/World Urban Forum), Center for Community Change, National Low Income Housing Coalition, Regional Plan Association of New York, Rockefeller Resilient Cities, etc. News Sources, targeting evidence-based reporting. How do your three writings evoke theories that we have covered in the class? Use your knowledge of course theory readings (not Peter Hall) to explain how these current issues exemplify the application of theory to practice. Prepare a minimum 100-word essay for each of the three periods. Each discussion of the application of theory to practice must directly reference at least one course theory reading or as many as you find applicable. Be sure to properly cite your references.
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