Watch the PBS Eons video When Camels Roamed North America. Answer the following questions and submit to dropbox below.
1. The camels sent to Australia in the 19th century belong to what Camelid genus?
2. Where did camels first evolve?
3. Protylopus, the early Eocene camelid, was more deer like and did not have the long legs or flexible neck compared to modern camels. What other important feature does the video point where Protylopus differed from modern camels?
4. How did the stomachs of Protylopus and teeth help paleontologists determine this camelids diet? What was their diet?
5. When did the Camelid Explosion occur? Recall that there were over 30 genera of camelids in North America at this time.
6. Of the four subfamilies of camelids evolved during the Camelid Explosion (Stenomylinae, Miolabinae, Protolabinae, or Camelinae), which evolved into modern camels?
7. All four of these subfamilies also differed from the earlier camelid Protylopus in their feet. What was this difference?
8. The long neck camelid Aepycamelus was probably the first to give rise to a new way of walking for camelids. What is this walking style called?
9. What camel in the late Miocene got huge, up to 3.5 meters tall?
10. What lineage of camelid crossed the Bearing Land Bridge into Asia and led to modern camels to evolve outside of North America?
11. What Camelus genus left North America and migrated to South America about 5 million years ago when the Isthmus of Panama developed?
12. The video discussed two hypotheses as to why camels went extinct in North America. What are these two hypotheses and do they fit with the Climate Change and Prehistoric Kill Hypotheses?
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