First, select 5 technology trends of interest to you. For example, privacy, secu

First, select 5 technology trends of interest to you. For example, privacy, security, AI, smart phones at work (work-life balance issues), implications of the next level of 5G, specific trends in healthcare information systems, specific examples of human resources information systems (payroll systems, selection software systems), training via WEBEX and technology; robotics, driver-less cars, more space applications. The list of trends is endless.
What are the technology trends that interest you? What is emerging in the industry of your interest? You can choose any 5 emerging issues/trends that are important to your view and your area of interest.
Consider your trends one at the time. For each trend, you should answer these 5 elements:
1. From a Leadership perspective, What are the needed polices and practices for this trend?
2. What are the desired and possible benefits of this trend?
3. What are some possible undesired and unintended consequences of this trend?
4. What employee training or other necessary changes will be required for businesses as a result of this trend?
5. What else? What do you see as future directions on this trend?
Length expectation is 7 pages — (10 pages max., running footer/header,12-point font, 1.5 line spacing, 1-inch margins, APA or MLA citations and references).

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