For this assignment you will : Take research-informed social action to address

For this assignment you will :
Take research-informed social action to address the problem in your community. Social action can be in the form of:
Social Policy ( Examples: writing and sending letters to elected officials, meeting with an elected official, etc.)
Social Advocacy (Examples: educating others about the problem, helping others in the community to address the problem, volunteering, mobilizing others, etc.)
Innovation ( Examples: create a policy proposal and share it with a policy maker. Create and implement a program. Work with advocacy groups to try an untested or unique approach.
*Please note that posting something to social media, YouTube, TikTok, etc. is NOT considered taking a social action. This is a very passive way of spreading information but is not an acceptable “social action” for this assignment.*
Add information to your presentation about the social action you took to address the social problem. You just need to have the written part of the presentation organized.
Note: While there is an expectation that you will make edits and changes to Milestone 2 before your final submission, this “Milestone 3” assignment *ONLY* grades the new slides on the social action. You can submit all of the presentation, or you can choose to only submit the slides on social action.

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