Component 1: Fulfillment of Education Rights Task: Examine the fulfillment of ed

Component 1: Fulfillment of Education Rights
Task: Examine the fulfillment of education rights for the Hallway Hangers and the Brothers.
Introduction: Begin by introducing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which both list education as a fundamental human right. Provide a brief overview of how these documents conceive of the right to an education, focusing on concepts such as equality vs. equity and social reproduction theory.
Discussion: Discuss whether the United States has fulfilled these educational rights for the Hallway Hangers and the Brothers in Ain’t No Makin’ It. Examine how systemic socio-economic barriers, zero-tolerance policies and subtractive schooling practices impact their educational opportunities. Use examples from course materials to illustrate how social reproduction theory applies to their situations and how their aspirations and expectations are shaped by the educational environment.
Cite material from the textbook or academic peer-reviewed articles discussing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Include a reference to course materials that address educational inequalities, subtractive schooling practices and social reproduction theory.
Component 2: Evaluating “Pushed into Jumping”
Task: Evaluate the phrase “Pushed into Jumping” in the context of systemic pressures faced by the Brothers and the Hallway Hangers.
Introduction: Introduce MacLeod’s phrase “pushed into jumping” and its significance in Ain’t No Makin’ It. Define the phrase and explain its relevance. Provide examples of the choices made by a Brother and a Hallway Hanger.
Discussion: Analyze whether you agree or disagree with the phrase “pushed into jumping” based on information from Module 3 and Module 4. Consider factors such as financial limitations, segregation, suspensions, drop-outs, subtractive schooling, silencing, and school climate. Use examples from course materials to support your argument and show how these factors contribute to the systemic pressures faced by the Brothers and Hallway Hangers.
Reference course materials that discuss financial limitations, segregation, and school climate.
Include citations from materials related to the concept of subtractive schooling and its impact on students’ educational outcomes.

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