Topic will be on Pablo Picasso’s “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon”, created in 1907. I

Topic will be on Pablo Picasso’s “Les Demoiselles d’Avignon”, created in 1907. I have attached some key notes that you may or may not follow, and a bibliography that you can fallow. You do not have to, but please try to.
For the research paper you will study, in-depth, an artwork of your choice via the lens of the topics we have discussed in class. Your chosen artwork must be available for viewing in a New York City museum or gallery—meaning, you must be able to experience the work in person. The chosen work must all fall within the historical context of our class, 1800-1930 in Europe and the United States. Short assignments including a proposal and a bibliography will assist in leading up to the final research paper. 
Your essay should present an argument in the form of a thesis in regards to the work you’ve chosen. For example, is this work of art a good example of particular style? Might it fit better in another category? Was this artwork historically overlooked? Does it have political implications? Etc. 
Argument Development:
Thesis Statement: Craft a clear and concise thesis statement that captures the central argument you will be making about the artwork and supporting text’s. Your thesis should highlight the main point you intend to convey through your analysis.
Analysis: Dive into the artwork and supporting text’s content, dissecting its key components, such as themes, techniques, and strategies. Identify relevant passages that support your argument.
Evidence: Support your argument with textual evidence. Quote specific lines or passages from the supporting text that directly relate to your thesis. Use these quotes as concrete examples to back up your claims.
Interpretation: Explain how the supporting text’s various elements contribute to the overall thesis. Consider the historical, cultural, or societal context that might influence the text’s significance.
Counterarguments: Anticipate potential counterarguments to your thesis and address them. Engaging with opposing viewpoints demonstrates the depth of your analysis and strengthens your argument.
2000 words, plus or minus 150
Include a title page and works/cited bibliography
Minimum of 4 non web-based sources, more are acceptable
Bibliography must be in MLA Format
Title page and works cited/bibliography 12 pt font
Body of paper 12 pt font
Standard margins
In terms of references/bibliography/citations, MLA is required. 
How the research paper is graded:
5% word count
10% introduction: a proper introduction and thesis statement
10% grammar and spelling 
15% bibliography, sources, and proper citations
20% thoughtfulness and improvement: how in-depth is your analysis?; has there been significant improvement in your writing through the semester?; have you gone beyond the requirements?
40% content: have you applied the ideas discussed in class?

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