Personality + Cultural Influences Presentation General Guidelines This assignmen

Personality + Cultural Influences Presentation General Guidelines This assignment will require a little research on your part. One of the most important aspects of organizational behavior is understanding people – this starts with oneself. The purpose of this assignment is to help you gain a better understanding of who you are (lead, communicate, sense-making, perspective, etc.). Additionally, this assignment will help raise self-awareness and awareness of others’ preferences. Finally, this assignment situates you in the global context and your interactions in intercultural interactions and multicultural settings. Cultural preferences are learned through our interactions and experiences. What preferences “look like” in action, therefore, reflects the culture’s values, beliefs, and expectations. Together, the 2 required instruments highlight your personality-encouraged preferences and your preferences in action. Together they provide valuable insight to you and others in interactions, on teams, in organizations, and the communities in which you operate. This assignment requires the use of 2 instruments: 1. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator MBTI Personality Type Test (UHD SP25).pdf The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is one of the most well-known personality type instruments used globally. The MBTI is based on research by distinguished psychologist Carl Jung, and is designed to identify a person’s personality type, strengths, and preferences via self-report. In other words, the MBTI results reveal insights about YOU as an individual, from your point of view. 2. The Culture Map Personal Profile The Culture Map Personal Profile (CMPP), based on the well-established research of Hall, Hofstede, and other cultural anthropologists and interculturalists, builds upon the MBTI. Like a snapshot, the MBTI reveals personality-related data. The CMPP, via self-report, reveals the behavioral manifestations that reflect a person’s values and preferences/. In other words, CMPP focuses on preferences in action – in particular, 8 preferences relevant to organizational behavior (communicating, decision making, delivering negative feedback, persuading, dealing with conflict, etc.). Which came first, the personality or the culture? It’s chicken and egg; one influences the other, but it’s difficult to say which came first. The important part is to be aware of influences that make us each who we are – not better or worse, just different. This understanding contributes to your management and leadership capacities as well as your ability to lead and leverage organizational behavior. The Culture Map book is available in UHD library here: to an external site. The Culture Map Personal Profile is available here: to an external site.. There is a nominal fee (approx $5). When purchasing the tool, please use your UHD email address and this 50% off code: Z2G64WEV Instructions You will have a lot of autonomy with this presentation, but there are some key items that must be addressed in your 10-minute (minimum) to 15- minute (maximum) video presentation. • Complete the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) then summarize the scores in the form of a PowerPoint, and present your findings and their significance via a “live” video presentation. • Overview of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) • Overview of your personality type • Are you in agreement – why or why not? • What do your results imply about you? • Anything surprising in your results? • Highlight 2-3 CCMP dimensions that you find particularly relevant to your present job role and responsibility. • Do you see any correlation between your MBTI results and your CCMP results? In what way(s)? • Conclusions and implications • What can you do with these results? • What is your main take-away from the assignment? Please turn in Powerpoint (15 slides or more), Myers Briggs Type test, and summary paper.

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